
ESMO 2023 Lung Cancer Highlights – Keynote 671, ALINA, TropionLung01


In discussion with Dr. Joshua Reuss covering the ESMO 2023 Lung Cancer Highlights from Community Oncology perspective. We covered 4 important practice informing studies with Dr. Reuss

Key Points:

  • Keynote 671 – perioperative approach in non-small cell lung cancer with pembrolizumab and cisplatin based chemo combination, with positive OS data
  • ALINA – resectable non-small cell lung cancer pts with ALK positive disease, Alectinib will be the new standard of care given incredible DFS
  • TropionLung 01 – Dato-DXd in 2nd line non-small cell lung cancer reports slightly greater PFS when compared to docetaxel